Here’s a sad story- I just went through a "bra breakup".
I’m sure we all have that one bra that fits very well, doesn’t hurt our back and doesn’t show up through sheer shirts, so we wear it all the time (obviously washing at regular periods). This week, my favourite bra decided to break and stabbed me in the chest while I was minding my own business and getting on with my day. I had to wait in pain until I could get home and assess the damage and mortified to find that the wire had completely broken through the fabric.
I’m sure we have all been there and experienced some “bra-blems”, so I thought I would share some advice on how to go about fixing these problems.

"Wire stab" problem
The easiest thing to do is to sew up the problem. Cover the end of the wire with some tape ( masking tape is the best for this) to smooth out the sharp edge and prevent more piercing. Re-insert the wire and sew the fabric back together, securing the stitches with fabric glue or clear nail paint
TIP: I had to learn the hard way, but, you should store your bras open in a drawer, not "cup within cup" or folded as it can mess up the moulding and cause the underwire to pierce through the fabric
TIP: I had to learn the hard way, but, you should store your bras open in a drawer, not "cup within cup" or folded as it can mess up the moulding and cause the underwire to pierce through the fabric
If your straps are slipping, it seems obvious, but try tightening the straps, ensuring that they are the same length. One strap that is too long will create a gap in the strap pn the other side and will give you lopsided support.
TIP: use a pantyliner! This sounds weird but if you cut a thin strip from an unused pantyliner and place the sticky side against your skin, your straps are less likely to slip anywhere!
Time for a smaller band! Digging straps means that either your band has stretched out or you have purchased a band that is too big in the first place.
TIP: Sometimes I like to go for a great strapless- it frees the heavy feeling in my shoulders and I, of course, don't struggle on that day with strap problems.

"Quad boob" problem
I used to get this all the time, especially when I wore tighter shirts. This can be fixed by going up a cup size e.g. if you are a 36b, you should be buying a 36c
TIP: How can you tell if you have the right bra size? If you lift your arms over your head and your band is lying flat and the cups contain all of your breast tissue, then you are wearing the right size!

"Quad boob" problem
I used to get this all the time, especially when I wore tighter shirts. This can be fixed by going up a cup size e.g. if you are a 36b, you should be buying a 36c
TIP: How can you tell if you have the right bra size? If you lift your arms over your head and your band is lying flat and the cups contain all of your breast tissue, then you are wearing the right size!
Of course, some bras are beyond repair because they are worn down or faded; if that is the case, throw them out and then you can head over to ThirdLove for a brand new bra! ThirdLove help you to find the perfect bra fit in a variety of styles and sizes; they even have an app for virtual sizing!
The lovely people have provided me with a coupon code for buyers from my blog: just enter PERSONALITY at the checkout for 15% off.
Thank you to ThirdLove for inspiring me to write this post and for providing the graphics. You can check out more "bra-blems" over at, or by downloading the FREE iPhone app from the App Store!
♡ Third Love app
disclaimer: I am not being paid to feature Third Love on my blog. The promo code is not a partner/ affiliate link and the graphics were provided by Third Love.
God Bless,